Monday, November 9, 2015

Are Marijuana Bars The Answer?

When it comes to this issue I’ve discovered that people dislike to smoke with heavy marijuana users in public smoking areas. Some argue that it’s not a big deal others say that it is because people can be easily influenced, what I mean by that is there are people who never smoked cannabis before only cigarettes. Often when people are around users with marijuana they feel like they are forced to smoke other things besides tobacco. I’m most surprised to learn that some marijuana bars have been opened in Colorado. It would be better for the community and adolescents to see that there is walled in place for marijuana users to smoke. Rather than heavy cannabis smokers to be outside and encouraging their habit, they can be inside other smoker not effecting their surroundings. Now I just wonder if more will start opening up in other places in Colorado or decide to take a different approach. In The Denver Post it describes how a place has opened up for smoking marijuana. The reason being was because proponents were wanting a place to gather and smoke. Giving the idea that Colorado was treating marijuana like alcohol this was finally a big step towards a designated area to smoke. Could this be the foundation for public smoking?
My thinking has evolved into more mature state. I have realized that there are places that have opened up for cannabis smokers. In these bars people can walk in and feel conformable smoking in front of other people. They don’t have anyone looking down on them or judging them based on their actions. People such as young adults, middle aged adults and some older people are affected by marijuana bars. For instance young adults 21 and older can now go to a place where marijuana is enjoyed by many, they feel as if their at home but with other cannabis enthusiast instead. However I still wonder if this is where Colorado will stop with marijuana or will they soon be open to smoking marijuana in public such as parks and any outside facilities. 

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